Your portfolio is a website that showcases all of the work you’ve done throughout the semester. The main purpose of the portfolio in this class is to give you the chance to revise your work and show how your writing has grown.
Portfolio Components
Your portfolio should include:
The revised and unrevised versions of: 1) the translation project and 2) the rhetorical analysis project (If you present these projects as Word or PDF documents, it might be helpful to turn on "track changes" function.)
The final version of your group's community partner project (does not have to be revised)
A "process page" that documents the process of putting together the projects above (e.g., outlines, video recordings, short homeworks, group meeting minutes, etc.) that contributed to the final versions of the above work
A cover letter
Cover Letter
The cover needs to explain the following:
what materials are included in your portfolio
what revisions you've made to each project
what the work in your portfolio collectively says about you
what you learned by working on the projects in the portfolio
Describe and break down your creation process for the most significant project(s), using the process documents that you created along the way to your finished product. The cover letter should be 750-1000 words. It can be presented in any way you wish. (In other words, it doesn't have to "look" like a letter necessarily.)
The portfolio will be the same site you create in the studio, and you should also house any studio projects you've created there, too. You don't have to talk about studio assignments in your cover letter unless you want to.